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Dear Clients, The Budget Reorganisation Measures Act 2025 (“Budgetsanierungsmaßnahmengesetz” 2025) was passed in the National Council meeting on 7 March 2025 and will be in force as of April 1st, 2025. The new regulations include a higher bank levy, the introduction of an insurance tax for electric vehicles and the end of the VAT exemption for small photovoltaic systems. [...]
Dear Clients, Company cars provided to employees for private use, particularly pool cars, are a constant favourite with payroll auditors. Cars are the focus of every audit, and this is where costly mistakes can be avoided in advance. [...]
Dear Clients, From January 1st, 2025, significant changes for small businesses in the area of VAT will come into force in Austria. We have summarised the most important changes for you below. [...]
We wish you and your families a joyful Christmas, peaceful holidays, and a prosperous start to the New Year! [...]
Dear Clients, In the following newsletter, we would like to present the most important new features of the “Progression Compensation Act 2025” (Progressionsabgeltungsgesetzes 2025 or briefly PrAG 2025). The changes will come into force on January 1st, 2025. [...]
Dear clients, As in previous years we would like to remind you of the possibility of the profit allowance (= Gewinnfreibetrag) for 2024. [...]
Dear clients, The regulations for working from home have been in place in Austria for a number of years (“Home-Office”). These regulations for Home-Office will be expanded now in order to include the regular performance of work at other locations not belonging to the company ("telework"). The new 'Teleworking Law' (=Telearbeitsgesetz) which will come into force on January 1, 2025 shall extend the possibilities for flexible working and includes regulations on labour law, social security and tax law. [...]
Dear clients, At the beginning of July 2024, the Tax Amendment Act 2024 was passed in the Austrian National Council. This law contains significant changes for small businesses in the area of VAT. [...]
Dear clients, We would like to remind you of the deadline September 30, 2024 which is important for the following topics... [...]
Dear clients, The introduction of new taxes is discussed almost daily in the media. Various models are presented and arguments for and against are exchanged. The focus is on "wealth-related taxes", i.e. gift tax, inheritance tax, wealth tax and real estate transfer tax. We have put together a brief update for you below. [...]
Dear clients, As in previous years, we would like to remind you of the possibility of refunding foreign input tax. Austrian entrepreneurs who are entitled to deduct input tax can also obtain a refund of input tax incurred outside of Austria. [...]
Dear clients, In 2024, subsidies of at least EUR 50 up to EUR 2.000 per person can be claimed for tradesman services from March 1, 2024. For the calendar year 2025, a maximum subsidy of EUR 1.500 per person can be claimed. Applications can be submitted from July 15, 2024 at [...]
Dear clients, As the former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt once put it in a nutshell, those who are obliged to pay taxes also have the right to save taxes. In this sense we send you the following information on the Home office allowance. [...]
Dear clients, The "cost-of-living bonus", which could be paid out tax-free in 2022 and 2023, is also available for 2024, although the name has changed: the "cost-of-living bonus" has become the "employee bonus". [...]
Dear clients, With FlexCo, a new form of corporation was introduced on 1 January 2024. The old legal form of the GmbH continues to exist unchanged alongside the new FlexCo. [...]
Dear clients, As in previous years we would like to remind you of the possibility of the profit allowance for 2023. [...]
Dear clients, On May 26, 2023 a two-part "Start-up Package" was introduced in Austria. It consists of the draft "Company Law Amendment Act 2023 and the "Start-Up Promotion Act". The legislative package is intended to "promote innovation and facilitate start-ups". [...]
Dear clients, With the eco-social tax reform, in addition to the existing special depreciation models (declining balance, accelerated depreciation for wear and tear), an investment allowance was introduced as a further investment incentive with effect from January 1st, 2023. The new investment allowance is strongly reminiscent of the regulation in force until the year 2000. [...]
Dear clients, We would like to remind you of the deadline September 30, 2022 which is important for the following topics: [...]
Dear clients, Austrian entrepreneurs who are entitled to deduct input VAT can also have their input VAT refunded outside Austria. [...]
Dear clients, In this newsletter we would like to draw your attention to the most important points of the Austrian eco-social tax reform 2022 (ökosoziale Steuerreform 2022) and also briefly discuss the workplace allowance for self-employed persons (Arbeitsplatzpauschale für Selbstständige). [...]
Dear clients, As in previous years we would like to remind you of the possibility of the profit allowance for 2021. [...]
Dear clients, Companies which are still suffering from the consequences of the corona pandemic shall be supported in particular by the extended promotion instruments “Loss Compensation extended and Cancellation Bonus II”. [...]
Dear clients, We would like to remind you of the deadline as of September 30, which is important for the following topics. [...]
Dear clients, The Austrian tax authority has once again released a statement on home office as a permanent establishment of a foreign company in Austria (EAS 3432 from 1.6.2021). We have already informed you about this topic in previous newsletters. [...]
Dear clients, The Austrian government's Covid support tools are one component richer. The Cancellation Bonus can be requested since February 16th, 2021. [...]
Dear clients, Last year the Austrian Federal Government has implemented the “Investment Premium” in order to help Austrian entrepreneurs to do investments in their companies. In the following we inform you about the key facts of this new Investment Premium. Please consider that the Investment Premium must be applied no later than February 28th, 2021. [...]
Dear clients, We have summarized the following changes in the Austrian taxation legislation for you. Please contact us if you need any more details. [...]
Dear clients, The COVID-19 investment premium is intended to create an incentive for corporate investments in Austria. The law was passed on July 7th, 2020 in the Austrian National Council. [...]
Dear clients, In the current exceptional situation, we would like to inform you that our office located in Gluckgasse 3, 1010 Vienna will continue to operate but in a very reduced way. We have canceled all personal meetings. Nevertheless we are fully accessible by phone or mail for our clients, most of our employees work from their home offices. [...]
Dear clients, Since July 2019 it is possible to pay the Income Tax prepayments by means of the “SEPA Lastschriftmandat” (= direct debit authorization). [...]
Dear clients, On September 19th, the Tax Reform Act 2020, the Tax Modification Act 2020 and the Financial Organizational Reform Act (FORG) has been passed by the Austrian parliament. Here are some important highlights of the new regulations. Most changes will be effective from January 1st, 2020. [...]
Dear clients, The tax rules for families with children will be changed as of January 2019. The new benefit is called "Family Bonus Plus" (“Familienbonus plus”). [...]
Dear clients, The year 2018 will come to its end soon and we wanted to remind you of the Austrian “Tax Free Allowance”. As a counterpart to the favoured taxation of the 13th and 14th monthly salary for employees, there is the "Tax Free Allowance" for entrepreneurs. You can save up to Euro 22.680 in tax payment [...]
Dear clients, The first half of the year has quickly passed and at the beginning of the summer holidays we would like to remind you of the tax returns 2017. General deadlines for tax returns 2017 The annual tax returns (income, VAT and corporation tax as well as the declarations for partnerships) must be filed [...]
Dear clients, concerning the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) and the input on our business relation we send you the following information. Our company is fully compliant with the GPDR. Controller Our Chamber of Accountants and Auditors in Austria (Kammer der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer) has legally classified our entire activity and position towards clients as [...]
Dear clients, In Austria, companies that carry out research and development are financially supported by the state. They may claim a research premium for certain research and development expenses. This research premium is valid regardless of the legal form of the company. Amount and calculation of the research premium For the year 2017 the research [...]
Dear Clients, In November 2016, a new double tax treaty (DBA) was negotiated between Austria and Israel. This DBA relates to taxes on income and property tax and will replace the old agreement dating back to 1970. The old DBA of 1970 has made cross-border investments difficult, dividends and interest rates were disproportionately taxed in [...]
The significance of a permanent establishment in international tax law Corporate profits are taxed in full in the state in which the company’s registered office is located. This basic principle also applies in cases where the company has international operations. However, there are a few exceptions to this principle, specifically where the company has a [...]
Dear Clients, Profit distributions from an Austrian subsidiary to its parent company are – under certain conditions – tax free. This means that the profit can be paid to the parent company in the EU without further tax deduction in Austria (capital gains tax = CGT). This CGT exemption for EU dividends in the sense [...]
Dear Clients, On 1 August 2016 the Transfer Pricing Documentation Law was published in Austria. It applies to fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2016. This law requires multinational companies, depending on their size, to prepare certain documents and files and to send them to the tax office. Documentation obligation Multinational companies [...]
Dear clients, Austrian tax inspectors and auditors from the Austrian social security authority are making a payroll audit in regular intervals. They are scrutinizing if the wage tax, social security and the payroll related taxes have been done properly. The audit period includes normally the (last) five years. What are the highlights the tax inspectors [...]
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